Bottrop Series März

Organizer: Florian Schilff
Judge manager: Betim Kai Gecaj
Event type: Convention
REL: Regular
Format: Mixed Formats
Event date(s): March 23, 2025
Location: Bottrop, Germany
Venue: Gemeindekirche Liebfrauen
An Liebfrauen 6
46240 Bottrop
Applications accepted through: March 15, 2025

Event Information

Willkommen zum Staffcall der Bottrop Series!(Q1)

Hier ist der Bottrop Series Termin für März 2025.

Wir suchen 1x Headjudge und 2-3 Floorjudges. Außerdem gerne Standby Judges.

Compensation sind:


Floorjudge 100€ 

Standby Judge 15€ Ermäßigung auf den Eintrittspreis

Event selbst: 


Es finden 3 Events parallel statt: Modern, Legacy und Pioneer.

Spieleraufkommen ist normalerweise um die 150-200 Spieler

Eventbeginn für das Judgeteam ist 10:30

 Additional Info:

Bottrop Series Website

Staff Members

Note: As you are not on staff for this event, some users may be hidden from the staff list, in accordance with their privacy settings. You can always see the full staff list if you are either part of the staff yourself, or otherwise, after the event is over.

Name Level Region Role
Bottrop Series
Uncertified German-speaking countries Tournament Organizer