Commandfest Bonn 2025
Organizer: | JK Entertainment |
Judge manager: | Philip Ockelmann |
Event type: | CommandFest |
REL: | Regular |
Format: | Commander |
Event date(s): | July 11, 2025-July 13, 2025 |
Location: | Bonn, Germany |
Venue: | Maritim Hotel Bonn Kurt-Georg-Kiesinger-Allee 1 53175 Bonn |
Applications accepted through: | April 11, 2025 |
Event Information
English below.
JK Entertainment sucht Judges für unser Commandfest in Bonn, 11.-13.7.2025 - Eventpage:
Eine Bewerbung auf die folgenden Positionen ist möglich:
"Headjudge"/Event Lead - 2.5 Play Displays des letzten Universes Within Standard Sets pro Tag.
Teamlead - 2 Play Displays pro Tag
Floorjudge - 1.5 Play Display pro Tag
Floorjudge in Training - 1 Play Display pro Tag
Eine Bewerbung auf die folgenden Positionen ist möglich:
"Headjudge"/Event Lead - 2.5 Play Displays des letzten Universes Within Standard Sets pro Tag.
Teamlead - 2 Play Displays pro Tag
Floorjudge - 1.5 Play Display pro Tag
Floorjudge in Training - 1 Play Display pro Tag
Standby Judge - Eintritt und 1 Event nach Wahl umsonst mitspielen, wenn nicht aktiviert. Aktivierte Standby Judges werden wie ihre entsprechende Floorjudgebewerbung bezahlt.
Scorekeeper - 2 Play Displays pro Tag
Sicherer, schneller Umgang mit Event Link ist nötig.
Die Kompensation kann gegen äquivalent-kostendes Produkt getauscht werden.
Zusätzlich werden Getränke und Verpflegung inklusive einer warmen Mahlzeit während des Events wie immer von JK Entertainment gestellt.
Travel Sponsorship ist möglich, die Menge jedoch begrenzt.
Kommunikation im Team inklusive der Event-Vorbereitung wird hauptsächlich über Discord stattfinden, ein Discord-Account ist somit nötig.
Schichten beginnen voraussichtlich Freitag ab 12, Samstag und Sonntag ab 9.00 Uhr. Die Halle schließt Freitag gegen 21 Uhr, Samstag und Sonntag gegen 20 Uhr.
English version:
JK Entertainment is looking for Judges for our Commandfest in Bonn, 11.-13.7.2025 - Eventpage
An application for the following roles is possible:
"Headjudge"/Event Lead - 2.5 Play Booster Boxes of the latest Universes Within Standard set per day.
Teamlead - 2 Play Booster Boxes per day
Floorjudge - 1.5 Play Booster Boxes per day
Floorjudge in Training - 1 Play Booster Box per day
Scorekeeper - 2 Play Booster Boxes per day
Ability to handle Event Link quickly and safely is required.
Standby Judge - Free entry and 1 Free event played on the day if not activated. Standby Judges are compensated according to their Floorjudge application if activated.
Compensation can be exchanged for equivalently costing other product.
In addition, drinks and food including at least one warm meal during the event, will be provided by JK Entertainment as usual.
A contingent of Travel Sponsorship is planned, but limited.
Team communication including event preparation will be primarily through discord, therefor a discord account is required.
Shifts start around 12 on Friday, 9 on Saturday and Sunday. Hall closes around 21 Friday, 20 on Saturday and Sunday.
Staff Members
Note: As you are not on staff for this event, some users may be hidden from the staff list, in accordance with their privacy settings. You can always see the full staff list if you are either part of the staff yourself, or otherwise, after the event is over.
Name |
Level |
Role |
Philip Ockelmann
Level 4 (International Judge Program) | Staff |