Edited Nicolas Mihajlovic-Gendron (Feb. 17, 2015 12:52:51 AM)
Regular REL is many players' first experience of tournament Magic, so ensuring a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere is important. A player whose behaviour may be upsetting others or making them uncomfortable should be educated and asked to stop immediately. If they make no attempt to correct their behaviour, applying a Game Loss may reinforce the seriousness of the issue. If this does not stop the behaviour, or if a player is being threatening, aggressive or harassing other players, these situations are Serious Problems.and
Certain actions will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Every effort should be made to educate players before and during events; however, ignorance is not an acceptable defence of these actions.and, finally
Intentionally and knowingly breaking or letting an opponent break game or tournament rules, or lying, in order to gain an advantage.
Edited Bryan Li (Feb. 17, 2015 01:17:05 AM)
Originally posted by Bryan Li:
I agree with the responses presented here, but I'm curious how this would work at Competitive. Is the winner of the die roll Public or Derived information?
Originally posted by Bryan Li:
I agree with the responses presented here, but I'm curious how this would work at Competitive. Is the winner of the die roll Public or Derived information?
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