Originally posted by Marc Shotter:
The more I consider this the less happy I am with a GRV-LEC because that would imply that if Player N had put the card into their hand instead we'd be issuing a game loss here. I don't think where the card goes matters
Edited Matt Braddock (March 5, 2015 04:40:24 AM)
Originally posted by Huw Morris:I'm not persuaded by this logic, to be honest. We wouldn't assess a “drawing extra cards” penalty for drawing the “wrong” card if, say, they didn't notice knocking the top card of a library to the ground due to a dexterity error?
Even though the first card didn't reach A's hand, that's the card that A *should* draw. So it's the drawing of the *second* card that creates the DEC penalty.
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