Originally posted by Marc DeArmond:The argument of Markus sounds solid, but I don't think playing a land is a real mistake. Specially taking into consideration that this partial backup doesn't expire (a player may have forgotten to discard 3 turns ago, played some cards that should be discarded, and we could still perform it, according to the IPG and the Annotated IPG).
The IPG states to perform a partial fix when appropriate and “Otherwise, a backup may be considered or the game state may be left as is.”
Originally posted by George FitzGerald:
Usain Ascendency - GOLD
You are the head and only judge of a Modern format Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier when two players call you to their table and explain what has happened. Nathan drew his card for turn. With just a Jeskai Ascendancy and lands on the battlefield, Nathan said “Bolt you twice” and put two Lightning Bolts on the table. He then says “Ascendancy”, draws two cards, plays a land from his hand and passes turn while putting the Lightning Bolts into the graveyard. Alice then untapped and drew her card for the turn when she realized that Nathan was supposed to discard for the Jeskai Ascendancy triggers. They then called you over. Nathan currently has one card in his hand. You believe that the mistake was unintentional and Nathan was rushing due to the time left in the round. What do you do?
IPG Section 2.5 Additional Remedy
• If a player forgot to draw cards, discard cards, or return cards from their hand to another zone, that player does so.
• If an object changing zones is put into the wrong zone, the identity of the object was known to all players, and it can be moved without disrupting the state of the game, put the object in the correct zone.
Edited Jacob Kriner (March 12, 2015 01:32:06 PM)
Originally posted by IPG:
A player illegally puts one or more cards into his or her hand and, at the moment before he or she began the instruction or action that put a card into his or her hand, no other Game Rule Violation or Communication Policy Violation had been committed, and the error was not the result of resolving objects on the stack in an incorrect
Originally posted by IPG:
If a player forgot to draw cards, discard cards, or return cards from their hand to another zone, that player does so.
Originally posted by Cyril Crocker:
Just a thought. Why can't we partial fix the land N “played”?
Edited Dylan Goings (March 12, 2015 01:26:46 PM)
Originally posted by Dylan Goings:Cyril Crocker
Just a thought. Why can't we partial fix the land N “played”?
I don't think this fits the criteria. Annotated IPG says “Additionally, this is applied to objects that changed zones, and went to the incorrect zone. This does not apply to cards that should not have changed zones but did, or that were supposed to change zones but didn't.”
Looking at the events that transpired, Nathan drew a land, which he should have discarded but didn't (should have changed zones, but didn't). After moving past that mistake, he played a land from his hand following normal rules, so the land changed zones and went to the correct one for playing a land. I think the only partial fix here is discarding the remaining card in hand.
Edited Adam Eidelsafy (March 12, 2015 02:20:18 PM)
Note that this partial fix does not expire, even if the error was many turns ago.This indicates to me that the IPG is aware of the fact that cards may have been played that should have been discarded. He forgot to discard two cards, so he must now discard two cards.
Originally posted by George FitzGerald:Nathan says “Ascendancy” once; he dosn´t say it twice, “Ascendancy two times” or something similar. So, how can I believe that he remembers both triggers? I can´t, so I believe he forgot one. In this game comunication is esencial.
He then says “Ascendancy”, draws two cards
Originally posted by Javier Martin Arjona:George FitzGeraldNathan says “Ascendancy” once; he dosn´t say it twice, “Ascendancy two times” or something similar. So, how can I believe that he remembers both triggers? I can´t, so I believe he forgot one. In this game comunication is esencial.
He then says “Ascendancy”, draws two cards
So, when resolving a trigger he draws (ok) draws again (error) and dosn´t discard.
Originally posted by Jacob Kriner:Dylan GoingsCyril Crocker
Just a thought. Why can't we partial fix the land N “played”?
I don't think this fits the criteria. Annotated IPG says “Additionally, this is applied to objects that changed zones, and went to the incorrect zone. This does not apply to cards that should not have changed zones but did, or that were supposed to change zones but didn't.”
Looking at the events that transpired, Nathan drew a land, which he should have discarded but didn't (should have changed zones, but didn't). After moving past that mistake, he played a land from his hand following normal rules, so the land changed zones and went to the correct one for playing a land. I think the only partial fix here is discarding the remaining card in hand.
I believe this meets the criteria although it is a bit of a stretch. I would like to reference the following article to support this and cite Scott Marshall.