Edited Petr Hudeček (May 13, 2015 05:24:49 PM)
Originally posted by IPG:It may be Looking at Extra Cards, but if so, I don't think it's really a textbook case.
Once a card has been placed into his or her hand or if a player takes a game action after removing the card from the library, the offense is no longer Looking at Extra Cards.
Originally posted by Kai Sternitzke:So I now know my next draw and I can adjust my actions properly to that information.
I would put both cards in top of library.
If at least one card is known to all players (f.e. Courser of cruphix), I would put them in that order, otherwise in random order.
Originally posted by Petr Hudeček:
Should the two cards be placed on top of the library
Edited Evan Cherry (May 14, 2015 01:20:00 AM)
Originally posted by Petr Hudeček:
Follow-up question:
If you answer “shuffled in” to the first question, then what if the two cards were already known to the player (due to another Scry or Ponder, perhaps?) If you now rule that the cards are put back on top, then who decides the order?
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