Edited Jonathan Burgess (June 19, 2015 07:10:21 PM)
If a player, before taking any game actions, discovers a deck problem and calls a judge at that point, the Head Judge may downgrade the penalty, fix the deck, and allow the player to redraw the hand with one fewer card. The player may continue to take further mulligans if he or she desires.
He has several other packages sleeved for quick sideboarding, and he just grabbed the wrong pile from his deck box.
Edited Kai Clark (June 19, 2015 10:30:54 AM)
Originally posted by Michael Anderson:
Importantly, if this player were on the draw and did not notice the error until his/her turn, the downgrade path is not available, as game actions have been taken.
Originally posted by Dylan Rippe:I think, it's just red herring there to confuse judges ;)
All that being said, the following line confuses me.
He has several other packages sleeved for quick sideboarding, and he just grabbed the wrong pile from his deck box.
Originally posted by Denis Leber:
Result -> Game Loss. We had no deck check. Well basically we lost “a game” and somewhat day 2 because he was “too honest” and called a judge.
Originally posted by IPG 3.4 - Additional Remedy:Typically this error is the result of failing to replace a small number sideboard cards from the prior match with their correct main deck slots. However, the IPG does not limit our ability to apply this fix based on the scale of the error. In this case, Alfonso has presented approximately 35 mismatched cards, which made it extremely easy to detect and report the error. Because he has done so, the Additional Remedy should be invoked. A Warning will be issued, and Alfonso will have the opportunity to correct his deck back to the proper game 1 configuration. After he has done so and presented the deck to his opponent, he will draw a hand of six cards and may mulligan from there.
If a player, before taking any game actions, discovers a deck problem and calls a judge at that point, the Head Judge may downgrade the penalty, fix the deck, and allow the player to redraw the hand with one fewer card. The player may continue to take further mulligans if he or she desires.
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