Edited Steve Ford (July 10, 2015 11:04:42 AM)
If a player commits an offense, realizes it, and calls a judge over immediately and before he or she could potentially
benefit from the offense, the Head Judge has the option to downgrade the penalty without it being considered a
deviation, though he or she should still follow any procedures recommended to fix the error.
Originally posted by Denis Leber:
I agree with the other judges on GPE:GRV for Andy. IPG tells us to issue a Warning.
I don't think NAP should get a penalty - there was no “maintained board state” immediately prior to the judge call. If NAP had subtraced 2 from his life total, then yes.
Caution: I suggested that when I saw a minor infraction that could easily be fixed but the common ruling was: Warning isn't bad for the player and caution needs very special circumstances. I am a bit in the dark with when they apply but that's fine, since only the Head Judge can do that and I assume we are Floor Judge in this case.
As for the Backup: I am against rewinding the board state to a point where AP can undo a tactical error. Maybe he riealized he needed Anafenza to combo off and accidently took Kitchen Finks. The Redcap doesn't belong on the battlefield. We can't put it in the graveyard because we don't know the deck and there could be a Ananfenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Red-Cap, get creature out of graveyard Combo going on. The Redcap would be somewhere at the Bottom of the library. So I suggest. Take the 4 cards from the bottom of the library, add Red Cap, randomize them, put them back to the bottom of the library. Reasons: Andy made an invalid choice, so only the correctly chosen part resolves. Especially NO other creatures should be allowed to enter the battlefield together with Kitchen Finks or instead of Kitchen Finks.
Continue game which leads us to a subsequent problem: Did Kitchen Finks Trigger or was that Trigger missed… Somehow I believe it was missed. The player said: Two to the head… Normally a player would say. I gain 3 life you get two damage… (or sth like that - acknowledging both triggers). Missed triggers aren't penalized but he doesn't gain life.
Edited Denis Leber (July 12, 2015 07:06:02 PM)
Edited Kai Clark (July 13, 2015 12:23:23 AM)
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