Originally posted by IPG:
Players may not cause triggered abilities controlled by an opponent to be missed by taking game actions or otherwise prematurely advancing the game. During an opponent’s turn, if a trigger’s controller demonstrates awareness of the trigger before they take an active role (such as taking an action or explicitly passing priority), the trigger is remembered
Edited Irina Kuzmina (July 26, 2015 05:09:22 PM)
Originally posted by IPG §2.1: Game Play Error - Missed Trigger:
Players may not cause triggered abilities controlled by an opponent to be missed by taking game actions or otherwise prematurely advancing the game. During an opponent’s turn, if a trigger’s controller demonstrates awareness of the trigger before they take an active role (such as taking an action or explicitly passing priority), the trigger is remembered
Originally posted by Meghan Baum:
Hello my friends! Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool! This week's scenario is Silver, so we would like to ask L2+ judges to wait until Saturday to post their ideas and suggestions.
The blog post for this senario can be found here
You are the head and only judge for a standard PPTQ. Adam is playing against Norbert. Norbert controls a Mogis, God of Slaughter. Adam controls an Orchard Spirit and an Aven Battle Priest. Adam starts his turn saying “Untap, Upkeep, Draw" and draws his card for turn, he then slams Abzan Advantage on the table saying, “Target you!” to Norbert. Norbert then says, “Hold on, are you sacking something or taking 2?” Adam calls for a judge and says that Norbert missed his trigger.
What do you do?
Edited Brandon Salaz (July 25, 2015 10:42:27 AM)
Edited Tobias Rolle (July 25, 2015 09:40:42 PM)
Originally posted by Tobias Rolle:
Basically as soon as Adam says “Draw”, Norbert has to step in and announce his upkeep trigger. But he didn't. He let Adam draw a card. Then he let adam cast a spell. Only then he stepped in to announce his trigger.
MTR 4.3
An out-of-order sequence must not result in a player prematurely gaining information which could reasonably affect decisions made later in that sequence.
Originally posted by IPG:(Emphasis mine)
The point by which the player needs to demonstrate this awareness depends on the impact that the trigger would
have on the game:
• A triggered ability that requires its controller to choose targets (other than ‘target opponent’),
modes, or other choices made when the ability is put onto the stack: The controller must announce
those choices before they next pass priority.
• A triggered ability that causes a change in the visible game state (including life totals) or requires a
choice upon resolution: The controller must take the appropriate physical action or make it clear what the
action taken or choice made is before taking any game actions (such as casting a sorcery spell or explicitly
moving to the next step or phase) that can be taken only after the triggered ability should have resolved.
Note that casting an instant spell or activating an ability doesn’t mean a triggered ability has been forgotten,
as it could still be on the stack.
• A triggered ability that changes the rules of the game: The controller must acknowledge the trigger or
prevent an opponent from taking any resulting illegal action.
• A triggered ability that affects the game state in non-visible ways: The controller must make the change
known by the first time the change has an effect on the visible game state.
Once any of the above obligations has been fulfilled, further problems are treated as a Game Play Error — Game
Rule Violation.
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