Originally posted by Billy Gilmore:
I only gave the extension for the time it took for the call.
Robert Langmaid
In addition to what was suggested would grv-ftmgs apply for the incorredt life total tracking?
Originally posted by John Brian McCarthy:
I wouldn't GRV for tracking life incorrectly. The player sounds like he announced (and acknowledged) the life loss, he just didn't jot it down. If we infracted here, we'd have to infract for every life total dispute, which would make players less likely to ask us to help resolve them.
Originally posted by Àre Maturana:A life total dispute doesn't mean that a rule was broken; it means someone took bad notes! It's entirely possible (an, in my experience, probable) that the player did take (or not take) the correct amount of damage, but someone just forgot to include/doubled up on the damage on their scratch pad. Nothing in the IPG covers this, except possibly for a CPV depending on the circumstances. It's certainly not a GRV for failing to remember a legally resolved game action earlier in the game.
I'm sorry, but that's why we're here right? Some penalties are a way of educating players, it's not to punish them and backups are not often made, meaning a player got some small advantage at a given moment anyway.
Edited justin tierney (Aug. 14, 2015 11:35:36 PM)
Originally posted by John Brian McCarthy:
The call took fifteen minutes to resolve? That seems excessive - why so long?
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