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Judge Booklet - Revised

Jan. 11, 2016 03:32:24 PM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

Covered Languages: Spanish, French, Portuguese, German, Hebrew, Polish, Czech.

Will update list as we receive volunteers.

Jan. 12, 2016 03:28:31 AM

Stéphane Van Cauwenberghe
Judge (Uncertified)


Judge Booklet - Revised

Originally posted by Charles Featherer:

So we're set for: Spanish Portuguese, German, & Hebrew. Outstanding!

The current status of the project is I've added Sophie Pages (L3) France. She's been working on the project on her own for a while and has a 2 page booklet that we're looking at. The final product may end up being that long - some of the items she has used to expand it are great ideas.

I'll post more info in a couple of days, as soon as we work out if this is going to end up being one, two, or some combination of pages (I'm currently leaning towards a primary page and a supplemental page setup, but I'm waiting on a little bit more feedback from the two current editors).

Thank you all for being awesome and volunteering to help with the project.

I didn't read the whole thread before proposing my help for french translation. I didn't see this answer just before mine. I was too eager to help.
I apologize for my uninteresting post. I discovered the Sophie Pages' project today and thus of course her team is more placed for the french translation.

Kind regards,

March 7, 2016 06:30:48 AM

Lino Guttuso
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

Judge Booklet - Revised

If you need i can translate it in Italian…
Let me know

March 8, 2016 01:36:44 AM

Jyri Hämäläinen
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - North

Judge Booklet - Revised

I volunteer to translate to Finnish.

I suspect that almost all judges in Finland will prefer the Enlish version, but I get personal satisfaction from translating weird jargon, so it doesn't really matter if the work ever ends up being helpful to just a handful of people.

March 27, 2016 10:45:23 AM

Charles Featherer
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

Judge Booklet - Revised

Originally posted by Jyri Hämäläinen:

I volunteer to translate to Finnish.

I suspect that almost all judges in Finland will prefer the Enlish version, but I get personal satisfaction from translating weird jargon, so it doesn't really matter if the work ever ends up being helpful to just a handful of people.


Sorry for the delay in responding. If you'd like to translate to Finnish and think it would be an asset, I'd be happy to have you on the team. I'll add you to the project, once joined you can find the English documents on the project page.
