Originally posted by MTR 3.10 Sleeves:(Emphasis mine) Imho this sentence does apply here.
Players may use plastic card sleeves or other protective devices on cards. If a player chooses to use card sleeves, all sleeves must be identical and all cards in his or her deck must be placed in the sleeves in an identical manner. If the sleeves feature holograms or other similar markings, cards must be inserted into the sleeves so these markings appear only on the faces of the cards.
Finally, what *good* reason would a player have for only wanting a subset of cards upside down.The player could have borrowed those cards from a friend in order to play the rest of the playset (aka 1 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy upside down (his), 3 in correct alignment (borrowed))
Originally posted by Dennis Nolting:This is, for the record, a thing I've seen on multiple occasions and not just a corner case.
The player could have borrowed those cards from a friend in order to play the rest of the playset (aka 1 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy upside down (his), 3 in correct alignment (borrowed))
Originally posted by Eli Meyer:
This is, for the record, a thing I've seen on multiple occasions and not just a corner case.
Originally posted by Jeff S Higgins:It's certainly more than two judges. I would even say that if several judges from completely different parts of the world have experienced this multiple times, that makes it “not a corner case”.
I'm not convinced the experience of two judges constitutes this not being a corner case.
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