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Article Discussion » Post: Investigating, step 0: Knowing when to investigate

Investigating, step 0: Knowing when to investigate

Feb. 16, 2016 12:50:21 PM

Alexey Chernyshov
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper

Europe - East

Investigating, step 0: Knowing when to investigate

Kevin Deprez — Investigating, step 0: Knowing when to investigate

Thanks for the awesome article, Kevin!
I think I've spotted a couple of typos:
After checking if shortcuts had been established previously in the game, it turns out that AP did the same sequence of motions this turn than the turns before.
Should the bolded word read “as”?

Also, since AP was tapped out during his last turn, if AP really wanted to have it resolve before Dark Confidant’s trigger, one needs to wonder why NAP didn’t cast his Lightning Bolt during his turn
I think bolded “AP” should read “NAP”, since NAP is holding Lightning Bolt in the scenario.