A player not in his or her seat 10 minutes into the round will receive a Match Loss and be dropped from the tournament unless he or she reports to the Head Judge or Scorekeeper before the end of the round.
Edited Jason Flatford (March 7, 2013 03:39:25 AM)
What exactly are you discussing?
Originally posted by Shawn Doherty:Because it is Policy? ;-)
There is no need to track
these penalties, since the person is no longer in the event, so I don't
know why the SK would be entering these anyway.
Originally posted by Michael White:
I don’t think I’d worry about penalizing the person who leaves without dropping, but I do find it discourteous to the person who they’re supposed to be paired with who is likely only sticking around because they want to play.
I've never seen it done, but would anyone have an issue repairing two players with similar records that both have no-show opponents? Obviously, this is going in the opposite direction, where we were trying to avoid extra work, and now we’re creating some.
Edited Jason Flatford (March 7, 2013 05:46:54 AM)
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