To be a characteristic-defining ability, it has to fit 5 criteria (from 604.3a):
(1) It defines an object’s colors, subtypes, power, or toughness
(2) it is printed on the card it affects, it was granted to the token it affects by the effect that created the token, or it was acquired by the object it affects as the result of a copy effect or text-changing effect
(3) it does not directly affect the characteristics of any other objects
(4) it is not an ability that an object grants to itself
(5) it does not set the values of such characteristics only if certain conditions are met
Svogthos's ability fit 1, since it defines the power, toughness, subtypes, and colors of it. It fit 3, since it's not affecting any other object.
However, it fails 2, since it's being given it by the resolution of an activated ability; it's not printed on the card, it's not given to it when the token was made, and was not acquired due to a copy or text-changing effect. It also fails 4, since it's ability that it granted to itself due to its activated ability.
Since it does not fit all 5 criteria, it's not a CDA, and it will be applied in layer 7b, not 7a.
Nathan Long
Magic Rules NetRep
Edited Nathan Long (March 10, 2016 04:15:21 PM)