Players Pod Sizes
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 6 6
13 6 7
14 8 6
15 8 7
16 8 8
17 9 8
18 10 8
19 10 9
20 10 10
21 11 10
22 8 8 6
23 8 8 7
24 8 8 8
Edited Fabian Peck (May 6, 2016 12:40:11 PM)
Edited Dominik Chłobowski (May 6, 2016 09:51:32 PM)
For Booster Draft and Team Rochester Draft tournaments, players assemble into random drafting circles (called pods) of roughly equal size at the direction of the Head Judge.
Players within a pod may play only against other players within that pod. In Regular REL tournaments, the Tournament Organizer may elect to lift this restriction. This must be announced before the tournament starts.
Edited Matt Braddock (May 7, 2016 12:59:18 AM)
Originally posted by Matt Braddock:
Also, pairing within pods isn't even necessarily mandatory, according to the MTR.
Originally posted by Jim Shuman:
May not be mandatory, but I'ld make sure and let my players know if you are going to use cross pod pairing.
This must be announced before the tournament starts.
I'll point out that sticking to what WER does deflects any blame to the software, and away from the judge(s).
Note that this is also a good reason to stick to policy, even in difficult rulings - players can still be mad at you, but they'll have to blame policy for the outcome, not you.
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