I would have ruled UC minor, Warning.
While I consider that Armin didn't intend malice when saying that word as demonstrated by the context and by him carefully handling his opponent's foil FoW, the reaction from Nate and the fact that he is looking at me seems to me to be a good indication that he has gotten uncomfortable by Armin's poor choice of words.
So I would issue the warning while carefully explaining to Armin why I issue this penalty and ask him to be more careful on his choice of words.
Here is an alternate situation I used in my analysis. If I change the following phrase in the situation this way instead :
Armin picks up the foil Force of Will, looks directly at Nate, smirks and says ”Lucky you !!“ before carefully setting the card back down on his playmat and putting his Rorix Bladewing into his graveyard.
Would the ”looking directly at Nate“ and the ”smirking" part warranted the USC-Minor ?
Edited David Lachance-Poitras (July 6, 2016 09:06:30 PM)