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3-man deck check technique

Oct. 11, 2016 08:02:30 PM

John Arachtingi
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Plains

3-man deck check technique

Hello, I'm team-leading for the first time on Saturday at an SCG Regionals, and I have a 3 man deck-check team (including myself). I know I've seen a 3-man, rotating deck-check technique at Opens and GPs- it was something like 2 people swooped, one person pulled decklists, then one of them went back out to swoop for an early midround while the first 2 did the check? Am I remembering that right?

Basically, I'm just looking for information about that technique, and any tips with it (as well as advice about whether it would be a good way to run deck checks for a 150-300 player regionals event).

Any information will be appreciated :)

Oct. 11, 2016 08:26:49 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

3-man deck check technique

When I've done this, it was one beginning and two mids. The target was to pull the first mid at about 5-7 minutes into the round, and to pull the second mid as soon as the beginning of round check was returned to the players. This way, a deck is never “waiting” to be checked, so little wasted time. Adjust that first number based on how fast your checks are.

Of course, for a regionals with a relatively small judge staff, it's also important to balance deck checks with floor coverage.

Oct. 12, 2016 09:27:53 AM

Riki Hayashi
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

USA - Midatlantic

3-man deck check technique

Dang. I went through my records and I never wrote about this. Dan's got the basics down though.