'Did any of the sideboard cards come up during game one?'' and ‘Which cardsIn this scenario, he had no cards mistakenly in his maindeck - he had his normal maindeck minus the cards he sideboarded out during the previous round. So unless he was counting his deck or checking his sideboard, he wouldn't be able to notice this mistake
were mistakenly in your main deck?’
Edited Darcy Alemany (April 11, 2013 05:14:15 AM)
Edited Jeph Foster (April 11, 2013 02:07:46 PM)
Originally posted by David Carroll:
If that's not a Deck Problem, I'm at a loss as to what it would be.
Edited Niki Lin (April 12, 2013 04:08:32 PM)
Edited Tim Hughes (April 12, 2013 02:03:21 PM)
Originally posted by Niki Lin:
Why is a player calling the judge upon himself during a time where he could easily fix the problem and go on with the game without anybody ever realizing something was apparently wrong in game 1. Is he doing this in the hopes that we as a judge in investigating this call we find a possible cheat with his opponent… I would definately ask him -why- he calls the judge right now at this point. I would ask him if he counted his cards before handing them over. I also would ask him if he never thought about it during the first game,…
Originally posted by Niki Lin:
what I find strange is that a player that is in the perfect spot to clear all his traces is calling a judge to call upon something that (if a player knows the rules) is not really an infraction at the time he is calling the judge.
Edited Vincent Roscioli (April 12, 2013 05:10:53 PM)
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