Originally posted by David Poon:
First,Toby Hazes
Similar to picking up the other player's hand for whatever reason (No Emrakuls involved).
It's a sad day to see “Mindslaver” get replaced by “Emrakul” in colloquial language. RIP Mindslaver.
Edited Toby Hazes (Dec. 14, 2016 04:24:16 AM)
Originally posted by David Poon:
Surprisingly, there's nothing in the definition of HCE that states the card(s) must move to a different set.
Scott, knowing that we can't apply HCE—do you think it would be better to have the fix I proposed available in the future? If not, why? (I could see reasons ranging from the scenario being too corner-casey to justify making a change, or some similar situation causing bad things to happen with the fix… what are your thoughts?)
Edited Théo CHENG (Dec. 13, 2016 10:15:24 PM)
Originally posted by Àre Maturana:
C: The same situation as B, but earlier this game I had the chance to go through my library (maybe with a fetchland or with Attune with Aether). While going through it, I noticed the only planeswalker I play, Arlinn Kord, is missing. I deduce it is under the Bomat.
Edited Lyle Waldman (Dec. 14, 2016 06:26:37 PM)
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