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Looking at Extra Cards Additional Remedy

Dec. 26, 2016 05:16:35 PM

Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Looking at Extra Cards Additional Remedy

This follows on from a question that arose at a PPTQ.

Nissa controls Bomat Courier with 3 cards exiled face-down from its effects. Ashaya casts Shrewd Negotiation, giving Nissa a Servo token and taking control of Bomat Courier; Ashaya proceeds to look at the 3 cards exiled face-down and Nissa calls for a judge.

The issue here is that Ashaya is not entitled to look at the cards exiled face-down by Bomat Courier. This was ruled to be GPE - Looking at Extra Cards; the additional remedy in the IPG suggests that the fix for this situation is to shuffle away the cards exiled by Bomat Courier into their owner's library.

Originally posted by IPG:

Additional Remedy
Shuffle any previously unknown cards into the random portion of the deck, then put any known
cards back in their correct locations.

I cannot see anything in the IPG which suggests the additional remedy is ‘optional’; please do point out if I have missed something.

Is this just looking too far into the wording of L@EC which is likely rarely relevant beyond scenarios involving the library?

Is it not looking far enough into the wording and picking up on ‘deck’ vs ‘library’ and realising that the deck comprises all cards, not just the library, and that we should be shuffling into the appropriate zone?

Is the ruling even correct?

Thanks for your feedback and help with this guys :D

Dec. 26, 2016 06:15:44 PM

Olivier Wattel
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


Looking at Extra Cards Additional Remedy

Hello Sophie

I had a “difficult” situation with bomat courier as well ( If I'm correct, the IPG might be updated to face these new cards with an unknown exile zone.

Dec. 26, 2016 06:23:37 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Looking at Extra Cards Additional Remedy

Originally posted by Olivier Wattel:

If I'm correct, the IPG might be updated
emphasis on might - as I said, no promises. If something needs to be done, and can be done, it will happen - that much I can always promise.


Dec. 26, 2016 06:35:46 PM

Olivier Wattel
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


Looking at Extra Cards Additional Remedy

Originally posted by Scott Marshall:

emphasis on might
That is why I used might instead of will

Dec. 26, 2016 09:46:17 PM

Judge (Level 2 (UK Magic Officials))

United Kingdom, Ireland, and South Africa

Looking at Extra Cards Additional Remedy

Cheers both for your input, that thread is quite interesting.

We had a similar discussion as the Gonti scenario where the opponent looks at the face-down card when taking control of Gonti.

Dec. 26, 2016 09:54:38 PM

Olivier Wattel
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper


Looking at Extra Cards Additional Remedy

Originally posted by Sophie Hughes:

We had a similar discussion as the Gonti scenario where the opponent looks at the face-down card when taking control of Gonti.
So basically it needs to be communicated to the players again that they cannot look at hidden information when controlling something/someone that's not theirs/them.