Hello and happy new year to all of you.
situation came out during last FNM, played Caladesh draft, which I was attended as a player.
It is 8 player pod (I am not sitting at it); players are about to finish drafting booster #2. Adam explains that he had picked cards on two different piles; at a certain moment the player on his right took one of those piles thinking that they were for him to continue drafting, picked a card and past the rest to the next player who repeated the process and so the rest of the players. Adam has just 15 cards (he is missing13) while other players have from 29 to 30 cards (have from 1 to 2 extra); some players have already opened their 3rd booster but luckily haven´t pick a card yet.
This being a complicated thing to fix,
I start educating players while I figure what could be a good / the best solution.
1st I ask players to put cards from the 3rd booster if opened (or the booster itself if not) on the table in front of them where they would not be mixed with picked cards. I ask them to leave cards to be selected from boosters #2 where they would not be mixed with others.
2nd I explain them how important it is to be patient and not open boosters till everybody has finished picking cards from the previous one. I also let them know that each player have some time to look at chosen cards before opening the next booster.
3rd I explain them how important it is to keep all the chosen cards on a single pile to avoid this problems.
4th I explain them that being patient and waiting till every player has picked a card before passing cards set on their hand is a good thing to do.
At this moment I have a solution so I explain it to the players before proceeding. I want to be sure that everybody understands it (I don´t speak the local language :-German- so we talk in English) and that every one is OK with
what I propose.
1st All remaining cards to be picked from boosters #2 are for Adam. These are four cards all together.
2nd The other players will pass random cards to Adam, equal to the number of extra cards they have. Before doing this, they will set aside the first pick from both booster #1 and #2; I don´t think it would be fair any player loosing an expensive and/or good card randomly. I let players see what are the random cards to be past to Adam.
Adam claims that this way he will probably not get cards that he selected back, specially his first picks and suggests another solution: to pick two cards from each set while drafting boosters #3. I don´t think that involving in the solution cards not involved in the problem is a good idea and I explain so; players agree. I explain Adam that I can´t find a solution that would make happy everybody; also I believe that he is the main responsible of the problem because he didn´t keep cards on a single pile and if someone has to be less happy with my solution it should not be a player without responsibility. Adam agrees.
All players understand my proposition and accept it so we proceed. Players continue drafting and finally I go back to my pod.
Wow, this was long, I hope that not too much. Has something similar ever happened to you? Would you proceed the same way or would you have a different approach and/or solution? I am looking forward to read from you.
Thanks a lot.
Edited Javier Martin Arjona (Jan. 1, 2017 03:18:50 PM)