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Project Recruitment & Help Wanted » Post: International interviewers needed for the JOTW project!

International interviewers needed for the JOTW project!

Feb. 8, 2017 10:56:28 AM

Michael Arrowsmith
Judge (Uncertified), Tournament Organizer

USA - Northeast

International interviewers needed for the JOTW project!

Greeting judges!
We at Judge of the Week have been doing some pretty stellar work recognizing judges weekly, but with our successes come needs for expanse.
We are looking to diversify our crew by adding judges from outside the US to this project! Currently our team is all US judges, and since we recognize judges from all over the world, we feel our project should have representation of that as well.

Short explanation of duties: Communicate with other judges on the project, reach out and interview assigned nominees, and present a stellar article for the judge world to enjoy!

email me at if you are interested in joining our growing Allstar team!

Michael Arrowsmith