Edited Philip Ockelmann (May 19, 2013 10:06:35 AM)
Originally posted by Toby Hazes:
2. Did Navin ask it or state it? I think there's a difference between “Forgot your signal pest trigger?” (which is a question that can be answered with yes or no) and “You now missed the signal pest trigger” (which is a statement that isn't necessarily true)
Originally posted by Cris Plyler:
Lets look at both of these.
1) The question here is did the shouter give play advise to the player or give hidden information pertaining to the match. Really they did not, and while we definitely want to have a talk with that person and tell them its inappropriate to do, I don't see any penalty that would apply here.
2) Asking to move to another step or phase to me isn't baiting. The player is well within their rights to do that. But putting that aside, this kind of trigger changes the game state in a non-visible way. So the trigger should not be considered missed until after it affects the game state in a visable fasion. So in other words when damage is dealt, not when the game moves to the next step.
Originally posted by Philip Körte:
For 1), the info about the outcome of other matches is not information I should have when playing my match. Same reason we do not allow players to stand up during a match to look at the scoreboard once their neighbors have finished to see if a draw is now enough. If they know it/remembered it, good enough. If they do not, they can not use any information from outside the game, like the scoreboard or friends shouting/telling them the results of other (relevant) matches.
IPG 3.2 TE - Outside Assistance
- Gives play advice to players who have sat for their match.
I strongly consider ‘you can scoop and both are in’ play advice. I even consider ‘this guy won 2-1 against that guy’ play advice, because it gives me info about how I need to play my match in order to reach this or that threshold which I did not have prior to the tip.
Originally posted by Joshua Feingold:
1) Play advice is literally advice about playing a match of Magic. It does
not pertain to tournament math. There is actually another thread about this
exact topic on this forum.
2) If a player could have missed a trigger and then says that he missed the
trigger, how has he not missed it? Even though there is not a way for a
player to force his opponent to miss a trigger, there needs to be a way
that he can discover whether it was missed. Suggesting “you missed your
trigger” vs asking “you missed your trigger?” doesn't make any difference
here. Either way, the opponent can say “No, I didn't” or call a judge, and
the game state will become perfectly clear to both players.
Originally posted by Joshua Feingold:
It does not pertain to tournament math. There is actually another thread about this
exact topic on this forum.
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