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Tournament Operations » Post: DCI Name listed as a silly name

DCI Name listed as a silly name

May 23, 2013 11:04:45 PM

Andrew Kurtzman
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

DCI Name listed as a silly name

A player at one of the local tournaments was playing and his DCI name was entered as something along the lines of Cottoncandy Sunshine. When I came over and inquired about it they told me “Yeah, but my actual name is Jonathan.” I was looking around and couldn't find a definitive path of action (if there is even one needed) that I should follow regarding the name, as I felt as though it would be hard to keep track of the person if they had multiple DCI numbers. Any help? Thanks!

May 24, 2013 12:35:24 AM

Jacob Faturechi
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

DCI Name listed as a silly name

Ah, the fun times I had calling for player Clearly Excellent from the
stage and the riotous investigation that followed.

The nice gentleman had decided to get a new DCI number since he was
already on a suspension under his real name.

But, that was not the reason I called him to the stage. He was just
the type of person to get DQed over and over again.

Generally, I don't involve myself in the DCI's administration of
names, records, etc. unless something otherwise fishy is going on.
It's just too much of a mess to approach everyone whose name you think
might not be legit. We actually have a Jace who plays in our local
tournaments and he is emphatic that WotC should have asked his
permission before using his name. The whole thing can get VERY awkward
with foreign names.

More importantly, anything that does not affect the integrity of the
tournament is a TO issue, not a Judge issue.

May 24, 2013 01:57:03 PM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta

DCI Name listed as a silly name

Please bring such matters to the attention of Wizards by emailing


From: Andrew Kurtzman
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 7:05 PM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: DCI Name listed as a silly name (Tournament Operations)

A player at one of the local tournaments was playing and his DCI name was entered as something along the lines of Cottoncandy Sunshine. When I came over and inquired about it they told me “Yeah, but my actual name is Jonathan.” I was looking around and couldn't find a definitive path of action (if there is even one needed) that I should follow regarding the name, as I felt as though it would be hard to keep track of the person if they had multiple DCI numbers. Any help? Thanks!

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May 24, 2013 04:52:48 PM

Andrew Kurtzman
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

DCI Name listed as a silly name

Okay, just making sure. Thanks for the answers.