Originally posted by Scott Marshall:
“I'll concede if you put me on your RPTQ team” –> no different than “I'll concede if you give me the boosters”.
Edited Milan Majerčík (Feb. 14, 2018 05:58:23 PM)
Originally posted by Milan Majerčík:
A declaration of “I'll concede if you give me the boosters which you are supposed to get as the prize (and have not received them already)” is within the rules for a final match.
A declaration of “I'll concede if you put me on your RPTQ team” is considered Bribery even in the finals, as the players are bringing something external to the agreement.
Scott could have been a bit clearer here, I believe.
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:Note that such agreements can only be allowed “in the announced last round of the single-elimination portion of a tournament”; prior to that, either is Bribery.
“I'll concede if you put me on your RPTQ team” –> no different than “I'll concede if you give me the boosters”.
Originally posted by Scott Marshall:
because the promo you will receive at the RPTQ is not part of the prize pool for the PPTQ.
Originally posted by Isaac King:Wizards disagrees with you (so do I, but that's beside the point). One of the things you gain by winning these PPTQs is the right to pick your team.
The ability to be a team mate at the RPTQ is not part of the PPTQ prize pool either.
Edited Scott Marshall (July 27, 2018 12:21:31 PM)
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