Hi everyone.
During battlebond I ran into following situation:
Team A is controlling a
Seedborn Muse.
During Team B's turn, they play a
Frost Lynx - targeting Seedborn Muse for it's effect.
The question is now: Will seedborn muse untap during Team A untap step.
I've been digging CR - and I where i doubt as they take shared turn, which I'm unsure how to rule.
A) If the player take an individual untap step at the same time - Seedborn Muse would untap due to it's own effect.
b) If i where to look at the step's as shared, then Seedborn muse wouldn't untap as the effect from the Lynx would not allow it to do so.
Edited Morten Larsen (June 3, 2018 12:08:04 PM)