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Judge Conferences blog

Sept. 26, 2017 09:28:09 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Mikaël Rabie brings us some updates along with useful information for those interested in taking part of the Card Counting Challenge! (now also including some countings other stuff as well!).

Come and find more about it here!

Oct. 20, 2017 09:18:32 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

After some years of experience, good practices start coming afloat on how best to schedule a conference. And what for many starting organizers can be something problematic, our experienced Policies and Guidelines team has a solution!

Today we bring the "Pick-Up-and-Go Conference Models". In this article/section, we lay out various models of conferences (with various sizes and scopes) and propose some basic models on what topics and activities to include, so that you don't need to reinvent powder every time.

My many thanks to George Gavrillita for bringing the idea and challenge to us, and the whole team for putting this together. We hope all of you find this useful and are always looking forward your feedback!

Nov. 7, 2017 12:08:45 PM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

It's time for yet another conferences support update!
This time, we bring you new cards as well as a change to the support we'll be giving to presenters and organizers.

Come take a look!


Jan. 19, 2018 06:58:54 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

It's been a long while since our last article, but we hope the wait was worth it!
Theo Millidonis brings us the third and last part of his Storytelling article series. After the Hero and the Mentor, it's time to present The Journey.

Feb. 19, 2018 08:00:12 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

The international L2+ conference is getting set up and I'm sure you don't want to miss it!
Alexander and Klaus join us to bring you some information about this great event to be held in the beautiful Prague.

You can read more about it here!


March 7, 2018 08:37:04 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Today we want to highlight a great conference report coming from Texas! Thanks Brandon and Joseph for sharing your experiences with us!

May 3, 2018 09:19:03 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Apparently, this article which was written back in March got lost on the way and never got to be published. As I was about to publish something else, I realized about it!

I wanted to refresh people´s mind´s and clarify a bit what the steps are regarding the Rules Lawyer distribution. For a bit more clarity, come read!

May 13, 2018 06:10:52 PM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Slightly overdue, but here´s a new update to cards being handed out at conferences!

May 23, 2018 07:13:22 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Starting a collection of reports recollecting stories and anecdotes from the last couple of conferences held in the region, a large group if judges coming from the Iberic region have put together the first of a series of reports, which will give you a very interesting insight into how conferences are run in Iberia region.

On top of the information given, this series are particularly interesting to read as you can see how the different actors loop in to provide their unique point of view. Let me proudly present you the Iberian Judge Conferences 2017 Part 1: Spain Split – Overview

July 23, 2018 12:24:12 PM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

August brings us updates to the support being given out at conferences. Come read the full post here!

Nov. 27, 2018 06:59:03 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

It's November (well, it's been for quite a while. Sorry for the delay!) and that means it's time to refresh our Conferneces foils. Come read the post on the Conferences Blog to see what the new pack contains!

Dec. 21, 2018 06:58:53 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Hello judges!

We are proud to announce the next level 2+ conference in Europe: It will be held in Vienna on the 25-26 May 2019. Join us for a weekend filled with learning, sightseeing and loads of fun!

Hope to see you there!

Jan. 23, 2019 02:10:26 PM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Hello everyone! New year, new foils, new projects!
Come join us on the most recent Conferences blog post for more inormation!


Feb. 2, 2019 06:23:58 AM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

From the the lands of Europe-North, we are delighted to share Lars Harald's report on the mini conference he organised during last year's October in Moss and how you can turn things from “I can't attend a conference” to “I'm organizing one!”

Come join us at the conferences blog to find out more!

March 24, 2019 05:13:45 PM

Damián Hiller
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Judge Conferences blog

Back in December we announced the L2+ Conference in Vienna.

Today, the organizing team brings us not only a reminder to join, but also some sneak peeks into what the schedule looks like. Come read and see what a memorable conference will take place!