So some decent discussions in rules groups and my regional chat have birthed and interesting query.
At what point in a non-decklisted regular REL tournament does a player select their deck?
Either a player chooses what they play when they present it for their first game, which would mean they could use information from pairings, and potentially even make that decision at a later point if they receive a bye.
Conversely it does present the opportunity for players to make less than sporting moves by choosing sideboard cards or entire decks after seeing the field for the event.
The alternative is more philosophically similar to comp REL in which a player must choose their deck as the event begins, before their first match.
While it makes more sense due to how we usually handle these things, it seems impossible to enforce in a decklist-free event.
What is the appropriate way of approaching this matter?
Furthermore, is it something that could potentially be changed within the MTR for clarity in future?
Edited Hary (Jan. 1, 2019 01:15:45 AM)