Originally posted by IPG GPE-FtMGS:
If a judge believes a player is intentionally not pointing out other players’ illegal actions, either for their own advantage, or in the hope of bringing it up at a more strategically advantageous time, they should consider an Unsporting Conduct — Cheating infraction. Not reminding an opponent about their triggered abilities is never Failure to Maintain Game State nor Cheating.
Edited Christian Gienger (Jan. 22, 2019 11:15:31 PM)
Originally posted by Christian Gienger:Only if you want to. It's unlikely to make a big difference to anyone reading along, as they'll see the other posts too :)
Edit: should I edit my previous reply to not have a wrong statement as first answer in this thread?
Originally posted by Mark Mc Govern:
The scenario is unlikely.
Edited Chris Wendelboe (Jan. 23, 2019 01:36:11 AM)
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