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Judging Technology » Post: updates updates

Feb. 19, 2019 02:18:29 AM

Isaac King
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Foundry))

Barriere, British Columbia, Canada updates

I've been working on a number of updates to Rulesguru over the past few weeks, and with the last of them finally done I wanted to update people on what's been improved:

* Added the ability to search for questions that include a specific card. Shahrazad questions for days!

* Added the ability to exclude specific tags, rules, or cards from your search parameters. Tired of layers questions? Well now you don't have to see them. :)

* Templates! These don't mean anything for most users, but they're a huge improvement for submitting and maintaining questions. The site can now dynamically generate a list of cards matching certain rules whenever a question needs to be displayed, allowing cards from new expansions to be added to the database without any human involvement.

* Reminder text and ability words are now removed from the oracle text displays, making wordy cards much cleaner to read.

* Sped up question generation on the server and improved how the website handles loading questions, so you should see far fewer of those pesky “failed to load question” errors when on a slow internet connection.

* Fixed some display issues that were cropping up on various browsers and screen resolutions.

* Added food mode.

* Several other bug fixes and improvements.

I'm always open to feedback and suggestions, so please don't hesitate to let me know if you see anything that could be improved. Enjoy!

Feb. 20, 2019 12:38:32 AM

Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

France updates

I think this tool could be very usefull to prepare to a competitive event but the question have to be dedicated to that purpose. And the number of question is maybe not enought for now.

Before a tournament, if I could go to such a website, choose competitive REL and Modern format and have a list of 20 real question ask in competitive event that could be amazing and maybe the best way to take judge call.
Use real question since important to me because it's make us think about played card and not a grizzly bears.

Feb. 20, 2019 09:55:16 AM

Isaac King
Judge (Level 1 (Judge Foundry))

Barriere, British Columbia, Canada updates

So if I'm understanding you correctly, you want there to be a way to restrict questions to ones that are reasonably likely to come up in a certain competitive format? I like that idea a lot. Unfortunately it would require a large amount of upkeep, as formats change and different cards go in and out of popularity. (Mainly for Standard.) If enough people were willing to volunteer to help out, it's certainly a feature I could add.

Feb. 20, 2019 06:23:01 PM

Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))

France updates

Originally posted by Isaac King:

you want there to be a way to restrict questions to ones that are reasonably likely to come up in a certain competitive format?
Not to restrict question but to have a filter to select only competitive question. And Yes this need a little action from a lot lot lot of judge but that could make this question really relevant.