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How to find a cheat on the floor. And training method

May 3, 2019 11:34:17 AM

Yuichi Horikawa
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


How to find a cheat on the floor. And training method

Hello. This article translated an article by Mr. Itani, a Japanese level 2 judge.

Horikawa was also in charge of the translation, also a Japanese level 2 judge.
I was in charge of translating this article in consultation with Mr. Itani.
Because it is the first translation from Japanese to English, there may be incomplete or wrong expression. At that time, please tell me Horikawa.

Everyone at MTG judges across the country, good evening.
I am Itani in Hokkaido,Japan.

This time I will write about the topic of “judging cheat acts on the floor” where the response was particularly good among the judge talks that we had with other judges.

◆I'll tell you in advance that
I feel that this technology has not been highly appreciated among the judging skills required from WotC and TO in recent years.
But what do you think if you feel that you are not monitoring or investigating against fraud in an event where you participate with a high participation fee?

I might be a trigger to not participate in the event.
Also, some of the players who felt these things did not participate in the event.

So now it is a technology that will be positioned like craftsmanship commitment, it is hard to connect with high attention and appreciation, but I would like you to regard it as strengthening the fairness of the events involved.

◆Definition of cheating
In IPG there are several violations of “Unsporting conduct”, but in this sentence “Unsporting Conduct - Cheating” is the center.

For example, these are players.

He or his opponent made a mistake in the process on the game, but the opponent did not notice it, so he kept silent
He tried to draw two cards while opponent were distracted,
He induced the opponent's damage calculation mislead

Observe very few people trying to approach victory by cheating resources or peeping through the draft.

◆Typ of cheating
Two kinds of cheat acts.

“end up cheating”and“focused intention to cheating”

〇“end up cheating”
◇A player peeks at another player’s picks during the draft.
◇A player allows their opponent to put a creature into the graveyard even though the creature has not been dealt lethal damage.
◇A player realizes they have accidentally drawn an extra card, then fails to call a judge in order to avoid a penalty.

That is what the so-called unexpected accident happened.

〇“focused intention to cheating”
◇stack the deck
◇The player deliberately drops a dice and the like while shuffling, hiding or peeping a part of the opponent's deck contents in the gap where his opponent's eyes turned downward.
the gap catch someone unguarded

◇ When doing multiple complicated game processing, the player confirmed the hand, the graveyard, the life, etc, although it seemed unnecessary to know need, invited the opponent ‘s consciousness, invited Mislead and mistook the processing.

It is cheating that the player decided to do.

● Timing and features of cheating
I often get asked from other judges, “How do you find a Cheating?”

The answer is simple, doing “Watch Magic” and paying particular attention to “people trying to cheat”.

At “end up cheating”, the player behaves wrong immediately after the event.
That player is given a balance on conscience and malice, so malice loses justice, so disorder of mind comes out as disorder of behavior.

Characteristics of the behavior.
Because players do not want to be noticed unfairly, players will move to become symmetric (the opposite) or try to hide that part with something.

A player pretends to be calm to hide his tension. However, the act of pretending to be calm by A player consciously looks very unnatural.

For example, during the draft or during the game, does not the player who pretends to swing his neck and is checking the surroundings?
Why do players need to act to relax and think about when players usually have to concentrate most on the game?

Thus, in “end up cheating”, when judges investigate, players often claim negligence.
Because they think that the act of it is not guilty.

On the contrary, “focused intention to cheating” takes action to defeat the opponent’s consciousness just before cheating.

Apollo Robbins who is called the world's best pick-pocket.
In the TED he explained that “human vigilance can be solved when shifting the focus of attention.”
You can see how distracting people's attention will be if you watch a video of TED at YouTube.

And in Magic, if the question “What is life now?” “How many cards are you?” Is not the main phase but the draw phase, “Why at this timing?” “Did you move hands and graveyard properly?” Thinking is important.

It is cautionful if a player placing an unrelated trash talk is advantageous immediately after that.

Unlike the cheating mentioned earlier, this player is aware of what happens and is cheating, so that player is good at making a relaxed atmosphere.

Even at the time of investigation by a judge, that player will speak a story to you relatively well.

Also, these cheatings are performed at the most effective timing.After that, that player tries to hide that cheating promptly.

〇For example, the most effective timing

◇stack the deck
Before the game starts,
When the player needs a top deck, or when the opponent is troubled by top decked.

◇Dodge of Combat Damage
Often it is done in the first half of the game or in the middle of the game than the second half of the game.

◇Peeping in draft
Peeping at the third pack has too little return.

◇double draw
Immediately after the double draw, suddenly raise the game tempo and chant the spell and pass

● Flooring of fraud cheating

【When seeing the whole floor and wide area】
Look over the area that you are in charge and let's first make sure that all the players are concentrating on the game.

There is a possibility of slow play at the table where the hands are extremely stopped, and it is the signal of the judge call that the player overlooks the surroundings.

However, you need to be careful to the player whose gaze is looking at something other than the table while the game is progressing.
You have to confirm from a little far whether that action of the player was rationality included.

A cheating player is closely watching the judge of the area.

For that reason, it is important for the judge to keep an eye on the whole and the point of sight without moving the line of sight.

【When focusing on one game】
You need to play a lot of magic from your usual time and grasp the current state of the game faster than the player.
This behavior is difficult when inexperience.
However, if you follow the procedure below you can grasp the situation of the game as soon as possible

Once you have decided on the table you want to monitor, look at “only on the board” and grasp which player is advantageous.
Next, look at the hand of the inferior player and imagine the game plan that player is trying.
Why is it from the side of the inferior player? The answer is that the situation can be an incentive to do cheating.
This is not necessarily the case, but there is little reason why the advantageous player does cheating.

If you are able to imagine the game plans of both players by looking at the hand of the player of the dominant side,“What kind of cheating do the current inferior player do to win this game?” and “How long can win the game if the inferior player is cheating?” That can be imagined to you absurdly.

For example, no hand, and little life,and board surface is overwhelmingly disadvantageous,

So if you want to cheat, you pretend that you've drawn more before the hand is 0, cheated before your life is reduced, or mistreated the card processing before the expansion difference opens. Try to lead.

About the flow of the game,

The player spends considerable time in the process of grasping the situation → choice → judgment → execution while imagining the opponent and being tense

Judges will be able to immediately overtake the game speed of the player, as it is only necessary to understand the situation → options.

● training of Cheat monitoring
Finding fraud is something that most people do not do everyday.
However, since there is a training method to improve this ability, I will introduce two things that can be done easily.

1, observe shoplifting at bookstores, supermarkets, etc., or find “Loss Prevention Office (LPO)”

Movements of “people who want to do”, such as gestures, pace, eyes, etc., are awkward compared to those of relaxed people.
The movements of people who are conscious of the camera and eyes around are different from those of unsuspecting people.
The movements of people trying to shoplift seem awkwardly impatient.

However, shoplifting is not often done in front of you.
So it will be more training to find you “Loss Prevention Office (LPO)”

Their common point is looking for “people who are aware of other people's gaze”.
The act is the same as the cheating player.

The problem with this training is that it is difficult for you to answer that the person you found is really a shoplifter or a LPO.

For shoplifters, if the person really steals, you can get an answer that you have found.

However, there is no way to check an answer for LOP.
If you want to talk about“Is such a person LOP?”
Please ask me when you meet at the Grand Prix.

2, gaze at the whole view and other than the sight without moving the sight

Human beings are strange, and their eyes are sensitive when they are tense.
Even if Judge is relaxing and looking at the floor, players trying to cheat will try to make sure they are not seen.
That's why we meet our eyes.

When the judge is looking at the floor, there is a reason for meet eyes of the player.

When the judge and the player's eyes meet, people try to stop the cheat.
So there is a certain effect in the prevention of cheat.

I do not deny this because there is also the idea that it is good.
But that player may cheat if a chance comes when you can not see.

So if you have the feeling to step in and act against such bad intentions,
You need a way to look without you being seen by the player.

You capture the entire field of view without moving your line of sight, and if you detect an unnatural motion, you will gaze and observe without looking at the target alone.

What's outside the screen you're looking at this report? color is? How many? What do you do if there are people?

This is a way to observe the surroundings without moving your eyes.
This requires training and is very tiring, so if you were on the floor with this view on all day, you would be exhausted.

I am anxious about what kind of watch magic people do not get tired after finishing the floor at all.

■To close

So far, I wrote about cheat detection in flooring.

There was also a time when I was troubled.
“Will it make the trick clear by writing this and help spread the cheat? ”

However, with cheater vs floor judges, the field of view and range that judges can observe naturally is overwhelmingly wide.

Even now, even if cheater is based on this content, I believe that the judge side can go beyond measures by increasing the depth of watch magic.

If there is an insensitive judge in the cheater's eyes, I would read this sentence I wrote and hope that it would help a little.

Thank you very much for reading the my report through to the end.

If you have any questions or comments, please send a reply to this article or email

Edited Yuichi Horikawa (May 4, 2019 10:48:55 PM)

May 4, 2019 06:39:47 AM

QJ Wong
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program)), Tournament Organizer

Southeast Asia

How to find a cheat on the floor. And training method

Thank you for the article and translation! :)

I am sure this must have taken a lot of time and effort, so I really want you to know that there are people out there who appreciate what you both did. :D

May 4, 2019 10:43:06 AM

Eser Unger
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

How to find a cheat on the floor. And training method

I find that very useful since that is something that just passes me without realising! I have a lot of tournaments comming and I will try some tips out because I definitly can count myself to the kind of judges players don't expect this from! Thank you :)

June 22, 2019 12:34:39 AM

Yuichi Horikawa
Judge (Level 2 (International Judge Program))


How to find a cheat on the floor. And training method

Thank you.
As it is the text of my first translation, I'm worried about how much it has been transmitted, but I would be happy if I could play a part in the community.