Last night my LGS did a 6 pack sealed 10 players showed up. One player had a folder filled with duals, foil promos, legacy and modern staples and was trading before the tournament. He sat in a corner with his son surrounded by a few back packs of cards and items to keep his son entertained while he built his deck. He was not a regular but I have seen him before more likely at a GP's and other large events within a few hours of driving.
I got paired with him round one and about a third into his deck he had played Bolas Dragon-God, Nissa, Who Shakes the World, and Sarkhan the Masterless. I survived until Sarkan hit the board and then conceited to go to game two. Game two he drops Gideon Blackblade and Ajani, the Greathearted. I lose and ask to deck check him. I count his commons and uncommons and the counts are good.
His rares were
God-Eternal Oketra
Gideon Blackblade
Sarkhan the masterless
Nichol Bolas, Dragon-God
Foil-Ajani, the Greathearted
Nisa, Who Shakes the World
Awaking of Vitu-Ghazi.
There was one uncommon planes walker Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter.
Three mythics and a foil planeswalker. All limited excellent cards. I couldn't prove that he brought the cards in and swapped them. I showed the store owner and he was allowed to continue to play. I told him if he ever comes out for a limited event a store employee will witness him opening packs.
He proceeds to win the tournament without losing a game.
Today I remembered a comment he made. I told a newer play they would get 6 planes walkers since you get one in every pack. He stated that you could have seven if it was a foiled. I know rare planeswalkers drop the uncommon but I don't think the foils do. He should have had two uncommon planes walkers to go with the two non planeswalker rares. I think that should have been enough to DQ him for cheating.
My question. How would others have dealt with this? Should he have been DQ'ed? At the time I didn't think so but looking back this morning I am questioning it.
Edit:He played green white with two swamps for a third color. Planeswalkers could be cast from any color in the tournament. I should have spent time questioning him on what cards he opened together, which order he opened them, where any other fioils were opened.
Edited Mike Slabaugh (May 27, 2019 08:12:02 AM)