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Knowledge Pool Scenarios » Post: Parter of Fails - SILVER

Parter of Fails - SILVER

June 19, 2019 06:50:30 PM [Original Post]

Travis Lauro
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Canada - Western Provinces

Parter of Fails - SILVER

Hey Knowledge Pool fans! This week, we have a fresh Silver scenario for you. Level 2 judges should wait until Friday to join in on the discussion.

Amandine and Nougat are playing in an MCQ, where you are the head judge. Nougat controls Teferi, Hero of Dominaria and Narset, Parter of Veils. Last turn, Nougat activated Teferi, Hero of Dominaria's -3 ability targeting Amandine's Hydroid Krasis, putting it 3rd from the top of Amandine's library. This turn, Amandine has drawn a card, and cast Opt. While resolving Opt, Amandine scries a card to the bottom and draws a card. Amandine then plays Breeding Pool untapped. Nougat then points out that Amandine wasn't supposed to draw for the Opt and calls for a judge.

What do you do?

Edited Travis Lauro (June 19, 2019 06:53:55 PM)

June 25, 2019 11:59:09 PM [Marked as Accepted Answer]

Travis Lauro
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Canada - Western Provinces

Parter of Fails - SILVER

Thank you for the responses this week.

Hugo was very close to the correct answer on this one. Because the identity of the Hydroid Krasis was knowable to both players, this error is correctable by publicly available information, and therefore is not HCE.

Amandine receives a Warning for a Game Rule Violation. Back up to the point of the error by returning Breeding Pool to Amandine's hand and adjusting their life total. Then return Hydroid Krasis from Amandine's hand to the top of their library.

June 19, 2019 09:51:39 PM

Hugo Abraham Peña Ramírez
Judge (Uncertified)

Latin America

Parter of Fails - SILVER

In this case, I'm going to think that both players know that the 3rd card is the Hydroid Krasis (So both of them knows which card was drawn with the Opt. I'm going to see the hand of Amandine, take one Hydroid Krasis (In case Amandine has more than one) show it to Nougat and shuffle it in the deck without taking the last card (That card was put there with the effect of Opt, so it is not a random card).
The Breeding Pool that Amandine played untapped goes to the hand and the life is restored to before the land was played.
After that I'll give a GRV to Amandine and let the game continue.

June 20, 2019 05:03:31 PM

Mark Mason
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Midatlantic

Parter of Fails - SILVER

Hi Hugo, when you look into Amandine's hand,…and when you derive the location of cards in a library are you using publicly known information? More generally, do you believe this problem can be fixed with only publicly known info? If it requires other information that cannot be publicly known, should be looking for a GRV?

So let's say it is a GRV, does our GRV fixes allow for a shuffle of the random portion of the library?

I'm suggesting we either have misidentified the infraction or we've misapplied the fix. What do you think?

June 25, 2019 11:59:09 PM [Marked as Accepted Answer]

Travis Lauro
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

Canada - Western Provinces

Parter of Fails - SILVER

Thank you for the responses this week.

Hugo was very close to the correct answer on this one. Because the identity of the Hydroid Krasis was knowable to both players, this error is correctable by publicly available information, and therefore is not HCE.

Amandine receives a Warning for a Game Rule Violation. Back up to the point of the error by returning Breeding Pool to Amandine's hand and adjusting their life total. Then return Hydroid Krasis from Amandine's hand to the top of their library.