(Episode written by Charles-Henri Turpin)Good day to you judges !
Today, in our Ancestral recall cycle about getting better, we will talk about the customer service!
Being good at customer service definitely makes you a better judge, either for the community or for the TOs. But sometimes we reduce customer service to “being commercial”. But that is not the meaning of it, and that is 99% of the time not what the community or even the TOs expect from you.
Customer service is mostly about taking care of the customers (aka the players), make them happy, make sure they have a good time :)
In his article, Billy San Juan gives some keys in order to be able to give your best for the players, how to be sure you are in top conditions, how to approach them in a moment of distress and how to handle their feelings smoothly.
https://blogs.magicjudges.org/articles/2013/04/23/customer-service/(The images are broken, I managed to find one talking about the CBT :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Depicting_basic_tenets_of_CBT.jpg )
I found it very interesting and I hope you will too ;)
Have a good read and see you next week!
(This episode can be found in the Learning Sphere section of the Blog here:
https://blogs.magicjudges.org/learning/ancestral-recall/ancestral-recall-2019/june-2019-getting-better/episode-2/ )
Edited Charles-Henri Turpin (June 25, 2019 04:53:49 AM)