Hello judges,
this weekend, we had a L2+ conference in Italy, and one of the seminars was
“2018 IPG changes tracked and explained”
Andrea Sciarrotta and I presented to the judges one of the possible methods to study the changes of our policy (this time, we focused on IPG only), which is to compare the old and the new versions of the official document, highlighting the old/new/added/removed sentences, and to add our (short) explanation of the reasons that brought to the change.
We are happy to share with you our document, and any questions or advice will be welcome; feel free to add comments to the
*shared file* or to reply to this thread.
We will update the document based on your advice, and you are free to download and use it any way you want; we hope it will be useful for your events and your study too.
Riccardo Tessitori
Edited Riccardo Tessitori (Nov. 18, 2018 11:56:24 AM)