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Missing Card in Deck

July 26, 2019 05:48:03 AM [Original Post]

Raphael Pistorius
Judge (Uncertified)

German-speaking countries

Missing Card in Deck

Hi all, this may sound obvious but I would love to get a clarification.

Player A plays in Top 8 of a comp rel. tournament. During sideboarding for Game 3 he notes that there are in total only 74 cards in his box. On a seperate table he than figures that a card from Mainboard is the missing one. That card was found by TO at least 1 hour ago (he didn't thought that the card Manaleak was played in modern and therefore didn't inform anyone)

Is it correct that the ruling should be a warning for Deck problem because the deck was not presented at the point where the player recognises?

Does it make any different that the card might already been missing since several rounds ago? The player never performs any pile shuffles.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Kind regards,

July 26, 2019 05:57:29 AM [Marked as Accepted Answer]

Francesco Scialpi
Judge (Level 3 (International Judge Program))

Italy and Malta

Missing Card in Deck

Actually, between games, there's no infraction at all.

July 26, 2019 10:01:02 PM

Patrick Jan Nicolaus
Judge (Level 1 (International Judge Program)), Scorekeeper

Southeast Asia

Missing Card in Deck

Originally posted by Francesco Scialpi:

Actually, between games, there's no infraction at all.

Why is there no infraction at all ?
The player was playing with 59 cards in his deck, and most likely that wouldn't match the decklist.

Originally posted by Raphael Pistorius:

Player A plays in Top 8 of a comp rel. tournament. During sideboarding for Game 3 he notes that there are in total only 74 cards in his box. On a seperate table he than figures that a card from Mainboard is the missing one. That card was found by TO at least 1 hour ago (he didn't thought that the card Manaleak was played in modern and therefore didn't inform anyone)

I think further investigation is required. We need to determine whether the player was only playing 1 Mana Leak (the missing card) in his deck, and other details too.
It's quite fishy how he noted that there were only 74 cards in his deck box, and then in another match figured out that a card is missing…

July 26, 2019 10:29:57 PM

Justin Miyashiro
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Southwest

Missing Card in Deck

First off, I read “on a separate table” to mean they laid out their deck
away from their opponent to figure out what was missing, not that this was
determined during a different match.

Francesco is correct in saying there's no infraction between games because
Deck Problem requires the player to have presented a deck. Until they do,
they have not asserted that their deck is legal and correct, and there is
no deck to compare to the list for a Deck Problem. While the player was
probably playing with an illegal deck in previous games, those games are
now over. We no longer have a way to determine if they were playing an
illegal deck, and we certainly can't ascertain whether the deck did or
didn't match the decklist, and our policy is not to retroactively issue
penalties for infractions that may have occurred in completed games.

On Fri, Jul 26, 2019 at 8:03 PM Patrick Jan Nicolaus <