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Tournament Operations » Post: Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

Sept. 5, 2019 06:39:56 PM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

Originally posted by Johanna Virtanen:

Tournament Organizers can delegate the DQ reporting to the judge and I expect that most TOs will do exactly that.

I am afraid, this will not be possible in many cases, as the reporting form requires to be logged in with WPN account (and it is forbidden by Wizards Account Terms and Conditions to share the account access with someone else).

Originally posted by Johanna Virtanen:

it is now the Tournament Organizer's responsibility to make sure Disqualifications

It may be a good idea to be explicit about this in MTR (chapter 1.6 ?). Or is this already considered in the “reporting the tournament results to the DCI” responsibility? Maybe make it clearer.

My questions:

1) Johanna, is there anything we should communicate to the players about and after this change? Is there anything NEW we should incorporate into our talk with the disqualified person? The Disqualification FAQ looks similar to the old one so far, by a glance.

2) There used to be additional documents available regarding a disqualification situation. Besides the Disqualification FAQ in English, there were versions of FAQ in other languages, a FAQ for the disqualifying Judge and a FAQ for the TO. Is it intentional that these documents are NOT available on the WPN site? Or is it an oversight?

BTW, those documents are no longer accessible from the site.

3) Johanna, is it likely that the internal procedure for processing DQ reports will change? Is the penalty/suspension guideline going to change for some DQable actions?

Edited Dan Collins (Sept. 5, 2019 06:55:38 PM)

Sept. 5, 2019 06:50:53 PM

Dan Collins
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry)), Scorekeeper

USA - Northeast

Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

I've split this thread off from the one in un-official announcements to avoid unwanted notifications. I've also updated and the settings here on JudgeApps to remove references to the old disqualification form, and instead to redirect people to the new announcement.

Sept. 5, 2019 07:08:47 PM

Johanna Virtanen
Judge (Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland))

Europe - North

Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

Originally posted by Milan Majerčík:

Originally posted by Johanna Virtanen:

Tournament Organizers can delegate the DQ reporting to the judge and I expect that most TOs will do exactly that.

I am afraid, this will not be possible in many cases, as the reporting form requires to be logged in with WPN account (and it is forbidden by Wizards Account Terms and Conditions to share the account access with someone else).

Judges can use their own account to do this (ie. it doesn't need to be a store account or anything like that). I tried with mine today and I was able to access the form.

Originally posted by Johanna Virtanen:

it is now the Tournament Organizer's responsibility to make sure Disqualifications

It may be a good idea to be explicit about this in MTR (chapter 1.6 ?). Or is this already considered in the “reporting the tournament results to the DCI” responsibility? Maybe make it clearer.

It may already be on the “list” but I'll pass that on to the appropriate parties.

My questions:

1) Johanna, is there anything we should communicate to the players about and after this change? Is there anything NEW we should incorporate into our talk with the disqualified person? The Disqualification FAQ looks similar to the old one so far, by a glance.

The biggest change is the timeline of receiving results. But since we don't know yet what the real time line is, I wouldn't talk about it yet.

2) There used to be additional documents available regarding a disqualification situation. Besides the Disqualification FAQ in English, there were versions of FAQ in other languages, a FAQ for the disqualifying Judge and a FAQ for the TO. Is it intentional that these documents are NOT available on the WPN site? Or is it an oversight?

BTW, those documents are no longer accessible from the site.

I'll speak to WotC about what the plan is regarding translated versions and the other resources.

Sept. 5, 2019 07:15:42 PM

Nicola DiPasquale
Judge (Uncertified)


Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

As one of the original writers of the DQ FAQs (thanks also goes out to Alejandro and Eric Shukan) those documents were written by Judges for Judges based entirely on our processes. While they certainly have been and are beneficial for judges and players alike, with all of the changes in process that WotC is making I would imagine they are going to build their own version of such documentation, rather than be held to the old ways.

Sept. 5, 2019 08:18:07 PM

Milan Majerčík
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper

Europe - Central

Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

First, thanks Dan for the thread split. I actually missed the fact that I am in the announcements part of the forums where writing my original post (threads in the Announcements are usually locked from the start). Sorry for that.

Originally posted by Nicola DiPasquale:

I would imagine they are going to build their own version of such documentation, rather than be held to the old ways.

Possibly, but, in my opinion, it will not hurt to give them an extra nudge that the other FAQs and ocalized versions of those documents are also needed.

BTW, as the author of the Czech version, I hereby give Johanna the right to handle that document as she sees fit ;-) I do not want my “child” to be lost in oblivion and I am sure I am handing it out to a caring and responsible pair of hands.

Sept. 5, 2019 08:47:16 PM

Johanna Virtanen
Judge (Level 3 (Magic Judges Finland))

Europe - North

Discussion: Disqualification Reports Moved to

Milan, I appreciate the gesture but I'm not sure I can make use of it. Wizards will indeed need to make their own versions of things (even if the content is very similar).