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[New Project] The Rules Box

Sept. 4, 2013 10:52:01 AM

Gilbert Hedegaard
Judge (Uncertified)

Europe - North

[New Project] The Rules Box

Hi Everybody
I've created this new projoct called The Rules Box. This is the history of it:


The Rules box began at GP Malmö 2012. I was in Judge Booth with Raymond Fong and Richard Drijvers. We found three sealed deck without rares the same day and began making rules questions for the players. We didn't have any Judge Booth queations availeble instead we used the cards from the sealed decks. We all enjoyed it. On the trainride home to Copenhagen, I thought about using the questions from that day to my local judge candidates. I assembled a box of several sleeves, each containing one or more rules questions. That meant that some of the cards could be used more times in conjuntion with the other cards in that sleeve.

It became dubbed “The Rules Box”. I don't remember how. It was immidiatly a succes among the local judges (and some players) quickly. I took it to GPs, and judges have liked it. It has become a “portable Judge Booth”. All of the local judges know it, as well players that might be interrested in judging. It not only entertains people, it also helps myself and others keep up to the rules.

After I attended Warsaw, I figured it was time to turn it into an official project.

The project page also contains information about what the box contains. It can found here:

Edited Gilbert Hedegaard (Sept. 4, 2013 10:52:53 AM)