Edited Toby Hazes (Oct. 9, 2013 09:40:59 PM)
Originally posted by Kim Warren:I definitely won't lay it out in those terms for them, but effectively, yes.
Callum - you let the player choose their penalty and fix?
Edited Callum Milne (Oct. 10, 2013 01:42:52 AM)
Originally posted by Chris Nowak:
Since actually looking at the card (regardless of situation) doesn't change the visible game state, I instinctively have a hard time choosing to infracting with a GRV. (Especially with how beneficial-trigger-like it feels). Add to this that we'd also have to throw in a FtMGS for the opponent, and this is really starting to feel “off” to me.
However, some things do trigger on scry, so how would we factor that in? Should we treat “forget to scry” differently if Flamespeaker Adept is on the table? If NP forgets to scry, and AP doesn't give +2/+0 FirstStrike to the attacking Flamespeaker, would that mean he didn't miss a trigger at all? (no scry = no trigger), or would we say the scry “happened” with default actions and AP was still responsible for the trigger even though the scry was forgotten?
I like the idea of some handwaving for customer service, but the idea of treating this same infraction differently if it just happens to be the start of a series of other issues just doesn't sit right. I don't know if that's my inexperience here, or if it's inherent in the situation.
Originally posted by Sebastian Rittau:
I do not penalize players who do not scry, since all parts of scrying are effectively optional. I also do not penalize players who fail to take a “look at XYZ” instruction. If I would penalize a player for scrying, I would also have to penalize a player who knows the top card of their library for failing to scry 1.
Originally posted by Gareth Tanner:
Their is a difference though, one player has not followed the instruction the other has short cut it