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Tournament Operations » Post: 30 Minute Sanctioned round times?

30 Minute Sanctioned round times?

Oct. 27, 2013 12:26:34 PM

James Arriola
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

30 Minute Sanctioned round times?

A local store owner, who calls himself a l1 Judge, has been running all his events with a standard 30 minute round time, with an extra turn policy of you have 30 seconds from the start of your turn to declare attackers, or your turn is over. I know this violates the MTR, but I am not sure whether anything can be done about it. When I, and other judges have talked to him about it, he banned us from the store, going so far as to tell Helene Bergeot that he liked the judge program minus some of us.

What should I do to make sure that local players are not being forced to play “Magic: What is Control?”

Oct. 27, 2013 12:30:52 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

30 Minute Sanctioned round times?

The required minimum is 40 minutes (for sanctioned matches). Please show them the Time Limits from the MTR's Appendix B.

Oct. 27, 2013 12:59:40 PM

Jacob Faturechi
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

30 Minute Sanctioned round times?

Sounds like a perfect situation for voting with your feet.

Get advice from your RC, though.

Oct. 27, 2013 01:25:26 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

30 Minute Sanctioned round times?

I should add - if a store violates sanctioning policies, try to educate them. (Which you already tried.)

If a store knowingly violates policies, please contact Wizards - via Customer Service, or a WPN rep (if you happen to know/work with one).

Oct. 27, 2013 05:14:02 PM

James Arriola
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Northeast

30 Minute Sanctioned round times?

Thank, I am in contact with Andy about this.