Hi Jonathan.
The date on that article that you have linked is 2007. This is worth checking when you read policy articles, as policy is evolving and updating constantly and information can rapidly fall out of date. If something is a few years old, it should definitely be treated with suspicion.
In this case, this is what has happened. The section that you are looking for is section 2.11 of the MTR, ‘Taking Notes’ (the latest version of the MTR being available here:
http://www.wizards.com/contentresources/wizards/wpn/main/documents/magic_the_gathering_tournament_rules_pdf1.pdf): “Between games, players may refer to a brief set of notes made before the match. They are not required to reveal these notes to their opponents. These notes must be removed from the play area before the beginning of the next game. Excessive quantities of notes (more than a sheet or two) are not allowed and may be penalized as slow play. ”
If the player was looking at sideboarding notes in between games, that is perfectly legal, which would explain why the judges did not intervene.
Hope that helps!
Edited Kim Warren (Nov. 18, 2013 01:05:28 AM)