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Judge of the Week!

April 25, 2013 09:46:54 PM

Alaric Stein
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

Judge of the Week!

This week's JOTW is Gareth Tanner! He's a L2 from the United Kingdom!

You can read Gareth's interview by following the link below. He talks about, among other things, a very interesting way of showing how people are interconnected (trust me, you should really read about this). See his interview here:

The answer to last weeks' Two Truths and a Lie is also listed.

And remember Judges, if you want to nominate a Judge for Judge of the Week please nominate him at our
nomination page We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

I would like to note that we'll now be updating this Forum post instead of starting a new one each week. So, you should subscribe to this forum to keep up-to-date on all of the fantastic judges we'll be featuring in the future.

May 2, 2013 11:07:17 PM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

This week's JOTW is Adam Liebman! He's an L2 from South Africa!

You can read Adam's interview by following the usual link in the next sentence! He shows that you can, indeed, play and judge magic in Africa! And there is mention of Storm crows…

The Answer to last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also posted! See what Gareth claimed as false!

And remember Judges, if you want to nominate a Judge for Judge of the Week please nominate him at our
nomination page We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

We'd love to hear your stories, adventures, and experiences as judges, so please nominate a fellow judge!

May 9, 2013 05:31:19 AM

W. Matt Williams
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southeast

Judge of the Week!

This week's JOTW is Bryan Prillaman! He's an L2 from Florida!

You can read Bryan's interview by clicking the link to follow. He shares his love for a special vanilla creature that may just be a Pink Shamu. His time with on a certain podcast taught him about giving a few shout outs.

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed in this post! See if Adam is cooking, writing, or going barefoot!

And remember Judges, if you want to nominate a Judge for Judge of the Week please nominate him at our
nomination page We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

Please keep nominating fellow judges so that we can keep finding out more about awesome people from around the world!

May 23, 2013 01:08:27 AM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

Hello Judges!

This week's JOTW is Charlotte Sable! See's an L2 from Ontario Canada!

You can read Charlotte's interview by clicking the link to follow. She's a very involved judge, and another podcaster, but lets hope this doesn't feed the rivalry between Judge podcasts!

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed in this post! See which of the two Bryan managed! Did he collect traffic memorabilia, meet a sleeping Teller, and/or send a creepy doll back to wizards!?

Please Judges, nominate a Judge for the Judge of the Week! You can nominate him or her at our
nomination page

We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

We'd love to hear your stories, adventures, and experiences as judges, so please nominate a fellow judge!

May 29, 2013 08:03:03 PM

Alaric Stein
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

Judge of the Week!

Hello Judges!

This week's JOTW is Casey Brefka! He's an L2 from Brighton, Massachusetts!

You can read Casey's interview by clicking the link below. I would highly advise reading it. He has a fantastic case of Outside Assistance that he shares involving phone calls from 3,000 miles away!

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed in this post! See what Charlotte lied about!

Please Judges, nominate a Judge for the Judge of the Week! You can nominate him or her at our
nomination page

We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

We'd love to hear your stories, adventures, and experiences as judges, so please nominate a fellow judge!

June 6, 2013 10:33:16 AM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

Hello Judges!

This week's JOTW is Miguel Calvo, L2 from Alcorcón, Spain!
You can read Miguel's interview by clicking the link below. See how Gut Shot affected his life!

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed, and we get to see what Casey has really done !

Please Judges, do remember that you can nominate a Judge for the Judge of the Week! This is a great chance to feature a judge from your area who has show awesome skills or brings great things to the tournaments! Here's our nomination page:

We're glad to show great judging stories from all over the world, and would like to hear some from your locations! Nominate a judge today!

June 13, 2013 07:45:05 PM

Alaric Stein
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Pacific West

Judge of the Week!

Hello Judges!

This week's JOTW is Christopher Vizzone, L1 from Keaau, Hawaii!
You can read Christopher's interview by clicking the link below.

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed, and we get to see what Miguel has really done !

Please Judges, do remember that you can nominate a Judge for the Judge of the Week! This is a great chance to feature a judge from your area who has show awesome skills or brings great things to the tournaments! Here's our nomination page:

We're glad to show great judging stories from all over the world, and would like to hear some from your locations! Nominate a judge today!

June 20, 2013 05:16:55 PM

Jason Wong
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces

Judge of the Week!

Hello Judges!

This week's PJOTW is Stephan Classen, L2 from Hilo, Hawaii!

… Wait, where did that extra “P” come from?

Oh! It's Project Judge of the Week! I'm proud to be bringing you a new feature to JOTW - the Project Edition. Every month (or so), I'll be picking a new project, and asking the project leader to nominate one of his/her team members for feature. This month, we're starting at home, with the project being Judge of the Week!

Follow this link to see why I nominated Stephan to be our first PJOTW, and what he does for the project:

And as always, please don't forget to nominate your favourite/impressive/coolest/funnest/smartest/deserving-of-recognition-est judge friends to be featured!

June 27, 2013 09:12:19 AM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

G'day Judges!

This week's Judge of the Week is Ryan Dare, L3 from Sydney, Australia!

We're back to our regular scheduled JOTW's for now, with more Project and Special editions coming in the future!

You can now finally learn what Chris Vizzone posted as a lie!

Hey! Nominate an awesome judge you know!
This is a great chance to feature a judge from your area who has show awesome skills or brings great things to the tournaments! Here's our nomination page:

We love to help “show and tell” stories from all over the world, and help inspire others to followed footsteps!
Nominate a judge today!

July 4, 2013 09:18:21 PM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

Judges beware! We're not featuring a bear! And this isn't a wookie!

This week's Judge of the week is Rob Castellon! (L2 from Maine, but you knew that already, I'm sure. He's watching!)

Ryan Dare's answer for Two truths and a lie may be shocking, but it's definitely after Rob Castellon's interview!

We know you know some great judges out there, and they could probably use a nomination for Judge of the Week! I know they're not Rob Castellon, but I'm sure they could use some love too!

Find out how your judges could be featured and awesome at the blog, like Rob Castellon!

July 18, 2013 09:30:03 PM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

This week's JOTW is Bryan Spellman! He's an L2 from Centennial, CO!

You can read Bryan's interview by clicking the link to follow.

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed in this post! See a new Robcastellonfacts!

And remember Judges, if you want to nominate a Judge for Judge of the Week please nominate him at our
nomination page We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

Please keep nominating fellow judges so that we can keep finding out more about awesome people from around the community!

July 25, 2013 09:55:48 PM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

This week's Judge of the Week is Leo Maros! He's an L2 from Los Angeles, California!

You can Read Leo's interview by clicking here:
You can see his great smile too, and the picture that gets all the ladies.

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed in this post! What did Bryan Lie about? A didgeridoo, dancing, or sleep??

And remember Judges, if you want to nominate a Judge for Judge of the Week please nominate him at our
nomination page We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

Please keep nominating fellow judges so that we can keep finding out more about awesome people from around the community!

Aug. 2, 2013 01:17:51 AM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

This week's JOTW is Paweł Kazimierczuk! He's an L2 from Kraków, Poland!

You can read Paweł's interview by following the link:

The Answer to last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also posted! See what Leo claimed as false; certainly not his smile!

And remember Judges, if you want to nominate a Judge for Judge of the Week please nominate him at our
nomination page We're always looking to interview judges of any level, to showcase the great things so many of us do in our communities all over the world!

We'd love to hear your stories, adventures, and experiences as judges, so please nominate a fellow judge!

Aug. 8, 2013 10:21:17 AM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

Hello Judges!

This week's JOTW is Carlos Rada, L2 from Caracas! (Yes, Caracas!)
You can read Carlos's interview by clicking the link below.

Last week's Two Truths and a Lie is also revealed, and there's a surprise answer! Be sure to check that out!

Please Judges, do remember that you can nominate a Judge for the Judge of the Week! This is a great chance to feature a judge from your area who has show awesome skills or brings great things to the tournaments! Here's our nomination page:

We're glad to show great judging stories from all over the world, and would like to hear some from your locations! Nominate a judge today!

Dec. 12, 2013 07:59:43 PM

Stephan Classen
Judge (Level 5 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific Northwest

Judge of the Week!

Hello Judges!

This week's JOTW is Dustin de Leeuw, L2 from Amsterdam, Netherlands!
You can read Carlos's interview by clicking the link below.

He created a great prerelease game you should check out called: Guard your Spark!

We also (finally) reveal the answer to Carlos Rada's two truth's and a lie!

A second point: Would you like to JOIN the Judge of the Week team? Our Project is look for two new members:

Writer: We need another writer to help edit and format posts, while inserting pictures and captions.
Contact Liason: We also need someone to help with contacting judges all over the world, interviewing them, and getting the interview submitted to Wordpress for the writers!

Please contact me (Stephan) or John Temple if you're interested!

Please Judges, do remember that you can nominate a Judge for the Judge of the Week! This is a great chance to feature a judge from your area who has show awesome skills or brings great things to the tournaments! Here's our nomination page:

We're glad to show great judging stories from all over the world, and would like to hear some from your locations! Nominate a judge today!

Edited Stephan Classen (Jan. 10, 2014 12:41:48 AM)