Originally posted by George FitzGerald:I think it's some clean card, with clean face, or something like that… A card that represents nothing. Or a token.
Can you define blank cards?
Edited Vinicius Quaiato (April 23, 2014 04:45:57 PM)
Edited Daniel Lee (April 23, 2014 04:51:56 PM)
Before each game begins, players must present their sideboard (if any) face down and, if requested, allow their
opponents to count the number of cards in their sideboard. Players are not required to reveal how many cards they
have swapped from their main deck to their sideboard.
Originally posted by Cristóbal Vigar Guerrero:I think we're quite close to investigation for cheating area if somebody really tries that kind of stuff…
But, it's an infraction present a fake sidebord with no legal cards inside the sleeves? And if is, wich infraction would be?
The contents of the presented deck and sideboard do not match the decklist registered.
Originally posted by Talin Salway:The player isn't presenting a sideboard, he's handing his opponent a pile of non-Magic cards. If there's no sideboard to present then not presenting one when asked shouldn't be a problem.
I actually would be a bit worried about a player presenting a fake sideboard, face down, if their opponent asks.
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