Prerelease Stickers
A few best practices learned today for folks running tomorrow:
– Mention the stickers in your opening announcement, or snag achievement cards from players who don't want them during build (or both!). We had a few players toss theirs during trash pickup and later want to participate, and fortunately had some other players who didn't care about Godslayers.
– Pass out a sticker set with your match slips. When players say “what's this?” use the opportunity to quickly explain the activity.
– Even if players only need three stickers to complete their weapon, pass out stickers in R4+ - in some cases, they may be fishing for triple-brown for Double Strike and have an opponent take the third brown sticker they need in R3.
– Once you forge a Godslayer, your greatest challenge still awaits: removing the sticker from the backing. Expect even the bravest heroes to fail this challenge - it's easiest if you tear along the perforated edges rather than cutting, and use a finger rather than a nail to separate it.
– Be ready for “What's this for” questions - you'll get a billion. Mention during your annoumcent that it's not for today, but you really hope to see them “Fight a God” at Game Day.
– Accept that you will have to peel stickers off tables/walls/windows/LGS staff for weeks. Players are gonna play. That said, one of our judges now has Vigilence and can block an extra creature each combat, which could come in handy.
I liked the activity overall - players seemed to be more into it than the past achievement cards, and I hope they do something similar again.