Edited Violet Moon (June 14, 2014 08:31:21 AM)
Edited Vinicius Quaiato (June 14, 2014 10:55:55 AM)
Originally posted by Adrian Strzała:
But shouldn't we rewind just to the point of paying the costs for the
spell? The game may continue legally from that point.
Originally posted by Adrian Strzała:
But shouldn't we rewind just to the point of paying the costs for the
spell? The game may continue legally from that point.
2014-06-15 13:13 GMT+02:00 Thomas Edgar <
Originally posted by Albert Masclans:
In the case that April had no hand and therefore November waited for no
confirmation would we do the same? I mean, if November simply plays the
Snapcaster, puts the FoW in the stack, removes a card and pays one life,
all in a single string of actions, non-stop and asking nothing to his
opponent through the opponent, would we rewind to Snapcaster's ability
resolving? The intention of November couldn't be clearer and gained no
information of any kind thanks to the error. I'm aware we want consistence
on the ruling, but it doesn't seem the same to wait for confirmation for
resolving the Snapcaster or its ability and doing everything as it were a
single spell being played.
Judges don’t stop play errors from occurring, but instead deal with errors that have occurred, penalize those who violate rules or policy, and promote fair play and sporting conduct by example and diplomacy.
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