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Entering Penalties into WER

Oct. 23, 2012 09:32:57 AM

John Temple
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Chicago, Illinois, United States

Entering Penalties into WER

At the GPT I ran on Saturday we had two major problems entering penalties into WER.
At the beginning of the tournament after pairing the 1st round it would constantly come up with an error and then again in the final round. All the other rounds worked fantastic but these two. I don't know if this is a known bug or if there is a work around but I would love to give my scorekeeper and TO something so that the next time this comes up we can enter penalties.


Oct. 23, 2012 12:40:04 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest

Entering Penalties into WER

Here's how I work around that issue (from memory; can't recreate it w/o an active event, apparently).

First, click past the error dialog; then, it seems to default to All players - change that by clicking the Active players only radio button.  (I may have that backwards… I just know I have to select whichever one it doesn't default to…)

Note, however, that you need to enter penalties for a player while they're still active.  I find that it's best to enter all the penalties before the end of the current round - then, if the player marked drop on the result slip, and I've already dropped them, I can go to the Players tab, re-enroll them, enter their penalty, then re-drop them.  I do not advise attempting that in the next round…  :p

Thanks, and hope this helps! - Scott Marshall, L5 & occasional TO/SK, Denver