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Judging Technology » Post: and Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 10

Oct. 24, 2012 02:53:37 PM

Floris R. De Haan
Judge (Uncertified)

BeNeLux and Internet Explorer 10


I would like to report a bug about, I don't know if this is the correct place or if I should report this error somewhere else.
I use Internet Explorer 10 as my browser and can't seem to log in to Entering the correct username and password returns me to the login page without an error message. Logging in works with both Google Chrome and Firefox.
Doens anyone know where I can report this error or is there anyone that can fix this problem?

kind regards,
Floris de Haan

Oct. 24, 2012 03:44:02 PM

Andre Diamant
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Eastern Provinces and Internet Explorer 10

I have gotten this same thing with Google Chrome.
I believe it has something to do with Cookies and the browsers cache, as if I enter Private Browsing (ignores history/cookies), I can enter it just fine.

Oct. 24, 2012 04:08:12 PM

David Hibbs
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 3 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest and Internet Explorer 10 isn't being actively maintained, so bug fixes are unlikely. I don't have IE 10 yet, but I do know that the site works better (if forced to use IE) using IE's compatibility mode. In the URL bar, there is a little icon that looks like a broken document. Click on that icon to enable compatibility mode.

If that doesn't work, you can try pressing F12 to open the IE developer tools window. At the top of that window is a marker “Browser Mode: XXX” that is changeable. You can experiment with the various different options there to see what works best in IE 10.

Hope this helps!

Oct. 30, 2012 01:36:15 AM

John Temple
Judge (Uncertified), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Chicago, Illinois, United States and Internet Explorer 10

Every so often with Judge Center you get this redirecting thing. This is where basically you are put in a loop of and

The only way I have found to fix this is to clear my cookies and my browsers cache.


Oct. 30, 2012 01:39:45 AM

Adam Zakreski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces and Internet Explorer 10

I get that all the time. In most browsers there's “Incognito” “Private Browsing” or other similar mode which will function just as well as clearing your cache/cookies/etc…

EDIT: Oh… I see someone's already posted that.

And a follow up question… why is it not being maintained? It seems like a pretty mission critical component of the Judge program.

Edited Adam Zakreski (Oct. 30, 2012 01:41:40 AM)

Oct. 30, 2012 05:52:54 PM

Josh Stansfield
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Pacific West and Internet Explorer 10

Simple answer is that nobody owns the code for the site, and therefore can't modify most things about it (such as the year drop-down).

Oct. 30, 2012 06:14:07 PM

Topher Hickman
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic and Internet Explorer 10

Is there a plan to move Judge Center into something maintainable?

Oct. 30, 2012 06:29:29 PM

Scott Marshall
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 4 (Judge Foundry)), Hall of Fame

USA - Southwest and Internet Explorer 10

Yes.  I don't have a timeline for this, but it is on (a very long) to-do list; we may not agree with the priorities assigned by those who work on that list, however.  :)

Thanks - Scott Marshall, L5, Denver

Oct. 30, 2012 07:45:24 PM

Topher Hickman
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic and Internet Explorer 10

Is the plan to roll it into Judge Apps or is Wizards going to roll it into their web apps (like Planeswalker Points, etc.)?

Oct. 30, 2012 08:52:35 PM

Adam Zakreski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces and Internet Explorer 10

That's a real key point. If it's going to be a community app, we can start recruiting volunteers.

If it's Wizards… Who do we start emailing/tweeting/facebooking? :)

Oct. 30, 2012 09:18:11 PM

Topher Hickman
Judge (Uncertified)

USA - Midatlantic and Internet Explorer 10

I strongly suspect that if it was a community effort, recruiting would already have begun more than a year ago. Now, it's possible that work is already underway to add it here and only those involved are aware of it. After all, it's a rather sensitive set of data.

More likely, it is a Wizards effort, and the pressure you wish to exert is already being exerted by L5s whose clout far exceeds yours and mine.

That said, if the people who'd have to do this are those who have to fix the WER problems, I'll say this: We can wait on Judge Center. Writing “This is a 2012 review” at the top of our reviews is a small price to pay if it means WER development gets more attention.

Oct. 30, 2012 09:59:11 PM

Adam Zakreski
Judge (Uncertified)

Canada - Western Provinces and Internet Explorer 10

When trying to be the squeaky wheel, sometimes it's quantity over quality, but I digress…

As far as WER vs Judge Center? WER first for sure.

I'd love to find out where we can submit feedback for both these apps.

Oct. 30, 2012 10:02:24 PM

Andrew Heckt
Judge (Uncertified)

Italy and Malta and Internet Explorer 10

The Judge Center has its own feedback section.

WER bugs found by judges can be provided to Nick Fang please.


From: Adam Zakreski
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2012 2:59 PM
To: Heckt, Andy
Subject: Re: and Internet Explorer 10 (Judging Technology)

When trying to be the squeaky wheel, sometimes it's quantity over quality, but I digress…

As far as WER vs Judge Center? WER first for sure.

I'd love to find out where we can submit feedback for both these apps.

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