Saw the following at a regular REL draft the other night; players fixed it, but I was wondering how it would be handled at Competitive:
Albus attacks Nymphadora with a
Meandering Towershell and exiles it. He passed, Nymphadora takes her turn, and passes back. Albus says, “Attack you with all my morphs on the board. In the declare attackers step, trigger Meandering Towershell. Wait..where did it go?” Nymphadora looks under the table. Neither player can find it; then, Albus checks his face-down cards. “Whoops!” he says, turning one of them face up to reveal the Towershell. Nymphadora calls a judge.
Clearly this is a GRV. However, most morph cases are upgraded to Game Loss given the hidden information. Since both players know the Towershell exists and where it's supposed to be, would Albus get off with a warning?