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Copying a redirected spell

May 30, 2014 08:24:37 AM

Judge (Level 3 (Oceanic Judge Association)), Scorekeeper, Tournament Organizer

Australia and New Zealand

Copying a redirected spell

If a spell that has had new targets chosen for it is copied, will the copy have the original targets or the newly redirected ones?

Rules excerpts that seem to contradict each other (emphasis mine):
706.2. When copying an object, the copy acquires the copiable values of the original object’s characteristics and, for an object on the stack, choices made when casting or activating it (mode, targets, the value of X, whether it was kicked, how it will affect multiple targets, and so on) (…)

706.10. To copy a spell, activated ability, or triggered ability means to put a copy of it onto the stack; a copy of a spell isn’t cast and a copy of an activated ability isn’t activated. A copy of a spell or ability copies both the characteristics of the spell or ability and all decisions made for it, including modes, targets, the value of X, and additional or alternative costs (…)

Additionally - if I have a creature that has a “becomes the target of a spell” trigger, and I copy a spell targeting it and choose not to change the targets, will it trigger?

Edited Fry (June 2, 2014 03:31:50 AM)

June 2, 2014 02:55:57 PM

Nathan Long
Forum Moderator
Judge (Level 2 (Judge Foundry))

USA - Southwest

Copying a redirected spell

I'm not sure I see any contraction in those rules. Both rules are look at what targets were chosen for the spell when it was cast, not what the current target target of the spell is. 706.10 could be clearer, but it's also talking about “all decisions made for it, including…targets”, which sounds like the original targets for the spell, not what the current targets for the spell are. The current targets of that spell are not a decision that was made when the spell was announced.

In short, the copy of the spell will default to the targets that were chosen when the original spell was cast, which may not be the current targets of that spell.

As for the second question, abilities that trigger when it becomes the target of a spell will trigger for the copy. The creature went from not being target of a spell to being the target of a spell, so the ability will trigger.

Nathan Long
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